A Woman is Married for One of Four Reasons
Last updated on May 30th, 2024 at 01:04 pm
Reading Time: < 1 minute1. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:“A woman is married for one of four reasons; for her money, for her family nobility, for her beauty and for her Deen (religiosity). Be successful with the one who has Deen.” (Bukhaari and Muslim – Mishkaat Shareef)
Generally, people look at the abovementioned four things when it comes to Nikaah (getting married). Some wish to marry rich women; some prefer to take wives from the aristocracy; many are those who go after beauty in the partner they choose for life; whilst some Servants of Allah give preference to a woman who is religious and pious. Everyone who believes himself to be following Deen should give preference to a Deendaar (religious and pious) woman, for in it is the good of this world and the fortune of the Aakhirat. (Mazaahir-e-Haq)
If a man marries a woman solely on account of her high status, or for her money or family royalty, then it is not permissible in the Shariah. [The Nikaah will be done, but he will be sinful.]
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Whoever marries a woman for her high status Allah Ta’ala will only increase him in disgrace; whoever marries a woman for money, Allah Ta’ala will increase him in poverty and need; whoever marries for only a superior family lineage, Allah Ta’ala will increase him in inferiority; and whoever marries solely for the purpose of keeping his gaze lowered and protecting his chastity, or maintaining his family ties then Allah will grant him barkat (blessings) in her and grant her barkat (blessings) in him.” (Tabaraani – Mirqaat)