Wives of Jannat
Last updated on May 31st, 2024 at 08:48 am
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWives of Jannat will be:
- Purified naturally, for they are made of musk, camphor, ambergris and saffron (that is from a composition of these pure and fragrant substances), not from clay, semen and a blood clot
- Purified in their existing states without blood and pus under their skin, and nor in their bellies what is in the bellies of humans
- Purified physically from sicknesses and disorders, such as pimples, tumours, headaches and all pains
- Purified from pregnancy
- Purified physically from body waste – urine, sperm, faeces, haidh, nifaas, mucous and phlegm
- Purified in actions, thus they will not scream, argue, object, oppose, turn away, they will not speak harshly, do anything bad and they will not be disobedient
- Purified in character, thus they will not be jealous, envious, harbour hatred and be grudging
- Purified from hearts becoming suspicious over them and hence they will not incline to anyone but their husbands, and their husbands’ hearts will not be troubled with anything which makes them disgusted at them
(At-Tayseer Fit Tafseer)