The Mother of Hazrat Musa (Alaihis Salaam)

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  • Her name was Yukhand.
  • It was the time when Fir’aun’s fortune-tellers warned him that a boy will be born in the Bani Israeel who will ruin his throne. Fir’aun instructed that every boy born to the Bani Israeel be killed. Thousands were thus slaughtered. In such a delicate time Musa (Alaihis Salaam) was born.
  • At that time Allah Ta’ala inspired in the heart of this lady: “Breastfeed the child and do not become worried. When there is fear of someone finding out about the baby then put him in a box and lower him into the river. We will return him to you as We wish.”
  • Without hesitation she carried it out.
  • Allah made all the promises materialize.
  • Ladies! Look at how much trust and comfort she had in Allah Ta’ala!
  • Look at how the barkat (blessings) of this trust materialized!

(Behshti Zewar)