Cure Yourself With Raw Cow Milk
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:
1. Indeed, Allah has not cast a sickness, without making a cure for it, besides death and old age. Therefore, make incumbent upon yourselves the (drinking of) cows’ milk, for indeed it is a mixture of all shrubs.
2. Never did Allah send down a sickness, but He sent with it a cure, besides old age. Therefore, make incumbent upon yourselves (the drinking of) cows’ milk, for they graze over all types of shrubs.
3. Make incumbent upon yourselves cows’ milk, for they graze over all types of shrubs. Their milk is a cure for all types of sicknesses.
These three Ahadeeth on the significance of consuming cows’ milk, appear in the Musnad of Imaam Abu Haneefah.
Many Muhadditheen, such as Haakim, Ibnus Sunni, Abu Nu’aim, Imaam Ahmad, Ibn Asaakir, have also recorded these Ahadeeth. The wording also varies.
In his Sharah of Musnad Imaam Abu Haneefah, Allaamah Muhammad Aabid Husain Sindhi (Rahmatullahi alaih) proffers the following explanation to narrations cited:
“Cows therefore find such shrubs/vegetation sometimes in which Allah Ta’ala has endowed amazing benefits of strengthening the health and eliminating latent sicknesses which the physicians are helpless at curing.”
“It [cows’ milk] is therefore like a mixed drink derived from various medications with wonderful strengthening properties.”
“It is therefore conducive to all temperaments.”
“Using something like that [that is a product derived from the nourishment of all types of shrubs] is most beneficial for most temperaments. This alludes to Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) informing of the general benefit of cows’ milk, inferring from the cow not sufficing with just one shrub when grazing, that the milk derived is most suitable.”
“The Atibba (Traditional Physicians) have stated that the milk of an animal born close to a human being is best for that human…For this reason cows’ milk is the choicest.”
“Its milk is a mixture of the properties of different shrubs. It is therefore a ready prepared blended drink.”
“Always drink cows’ milk, and as much as the temperament can bear.”
In the commentary of the 3rd Hadeeth, Mulla Ali Qaari (Rahmatullahi alaih) states:
“The milk [of cows] is therefore like a diverse mixture/an all-round tonic which is balanced and suitable for the temperament of everyone.”