How Great it is to Know!
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Allah Ta’ala says: “Allah raises the stages of those who have Imaan among you and those who have been given Ilm.” (Surah Mujaadalah, Aayat 11)
- “Those who have Imaan,” means: those who have perfected their Imaan with good deeds and strict observance of the Shariah.
- Wherever in the Qur’aan and Hadeeth the excellence of having Imaan is mentioned, Perfect Imaan is intended. Understand this well.
- Similarly, the ranks of those who were given Ilm are higher than those who do not know.
- What great virtue is proven here from the Qur’aan Majeed of those who know!
- Firstly, Allah Ta’ala praised those who have Imaan.
- Then He singled out those who know, and He declared them to be holders of great ranks.
- Just imagine the greatness of that person who Allah Ta’ala declares to be great!!!
(Behshti Zewar)