Protecting the Purity and Piety of Young Girls
Last updated on December 16th, 2024 at 12:44 pm
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt is also of utmost importance to protect females from women who roam outside the home precincts. The practice in cities to engage non-Muslim female teachers to privately teach Muslim girls should be strictly prohibited.
Occasionally I hear of girls absconding from home. This is the direct consequence of the influence of non-Muslim female teachers.
In early times, people of piety and nobility did not allow girls to attend even madrasahs. (This does not mean that they were left in ignorance. A mahram male of the family would teach them Deeni knowledge. — Mujlisul Ulama)
In the bigger towns, girls are generally literate. They had acquired their education at home, not in a madrasah or school. When girls are educated at home, they are saved from exposure to harmful outside influences. The Muslim teacher who teaches at home is also pious and purdah nasheen. The girls thus are reared and nurtured in a purdah environment of haya (shame and modesty).
(Malfoothaat Part Two)