Reward for Women
Once, Hazrat Asmaa (Radhiyallahu anha) came to Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and said: “O Rasulullah! Men have acquired the greater part of Deen which we women lack. By participating in Jumu’ah and Jama’ah Salaah, men are earning much more reward. By taking part in Jihaad, they become worthy of Jannah. The man earns reward at every step while we women having to attend to domestic duties are deprived of great rewards.”
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) replied: “You have very ably discharged the duty of pleading on behalf of women. Now listen and convey my words to your sisters. If you remain in the house in accordance with the Shariah, take care of the domestic affairs, train the children by imparting to them proper education, conduct yourself in accordance with your husband’s orders, obey him, protect his wealth, discharge the obligations of the Shariah and remain in the house, then in the Aakhirah you will attain so much reward and achieve such lofty ranks that you will become equal to the men.” (Anwaarul Baari)
This answer pleased Hazrat Asmaa (Radhiyallahu anha) immensely. The other women companions were also greatly pleased.
Truly speaking, whatever Deeni or worldly progress or perfection men achieve, women contribute greatly to it. A woman can indeed take pride in her domestic life. What a great honour and glorious rank has the Shariat-e-Muhammadiyyah bestowed upon women in informing men that Jannah lies under the feet of the mother! What a glorious and grand rank!
The rank which a man achieves by attending Jumu’ah, Janaazah, Eid and Jama’ah Salaah, and by Jihaad and Tabligh, a woman achieves by protecting her chastity and honour. Thus, by the division of work and fields of activity, Islam makes the existence of man and woman a life of peace and happiness.