Every One of You Will Be Questioned About His or Her Flock (Part Two)
Last updated on December 31st, 2024 at 12:04 pm
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHusband and Wife Neglecting Each Other’s Rights
In any case, irrespective of it being concise, or in detail, both the Qur’aan and Hadeeth state that there are rights between the husband and wife which they will be questioned about.
Now we should see what we are doing about those Ahkaam (Divine Laws). Are we fulfilling them or not?
Reflection reveals that neither are husbands fulfilling those rights which are their responsibility, and nor are women. For this reason, I have chosen this topic so that women in particular, and men also, become alert to the rights that are their respective responsibility, and they pay attention to fulfilling those rights.
Now understand what those rights are, as the neglect is on account of not knowing.
Women consider the rights they are responsible for as cooking food for the husband, preparing the bed for the night, seeing to the washing of his clothes, and if there are children then to see to them. This (seeing to the children) also if there is no maid, otherwise this is handed over to the maid, and the mother has no idea where the child is and in what condition the child is.
(Huqooqul Bait)
(To be continued, Insha Allah)