The Haaizah or One in Nifaas Touching the Qur’aan Shareef When it is Wrapped in a Cloth

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. If the Qur’aan Majeed is in a juzdaan (a cloth sewn for keeping the Qur’aan in it) then it is permissible for the haaizah or woman in nifaas to hold the juzdaan which contains the Qur’aan.
  2. If the Qur’aan Majeed is wrapped in a scarf it is permissible for them to touch and hold the scarf containing the Qur’aan.
  3. If the Qur’aan Majeed is covered by a cloth, etc., however the cloth, etc. is not sewn onto the cover of the Qur’aan and can be pulled out then in this case as well it is permissible to touch and carry the Qur’aan Shareef.

(Behshti Zewar)