Removing or Trimming the Eyebrows
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Q. Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to remove her eyebrows or trim it to a pencil line?
A. On the occasion when Allah Ta’ala expelled Iblees from Jannat, he vowed to mislead the servants of Allah. According to the Qur’aan Shareef, one item of his vow was to induce people to change the natural appearance created by Allah.
The practice of women trimming or removing their eyebrows in emulation of the kuffaar comes within the scope of this shaitaani vow. Changing the natural appearance in this way by interfering with the creation of Allah is not permissible. It is haraam for women to remove their eyebrows or trim it to a pencil line.
(Questions and Answers from The Majlis)