Bleeding Just One or Two Days
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- It is not waajib to have a bath if you bled for a day or two and then the bleeding stopped.
- You can make wudhu and perform your Salaat.
- However, intercourse with the husband is still not permissible.
- If the bleeding resumes before 15 days have passed then this confirms that it was your period.
- Thus, consider your haidh according to your cycle and number of days.
- Thereafter take a ghusl and start reading your Namaaz.
- If 15 days complete passed by then it was not your haidh period, rather the bleeding for a day or two was istihaadhah.
- Qadha of the Salaats which were not performed on those two days will have to be performed.
(Behshti Zewar)