Beware of the Dunya

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hazrat Abu Sa’eed Khudri (Radhiyallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “This world is sweet and lush. And certainly, Allah is going to make you rulers in this world to see your actions. Therefore, beware of the world, and beware of women, for indeed the first fitnah of the Bani Isra-eel related to women.”

(Muslim – Mishkaat)

The meaning of “This world is sweet and lush,” is that just as sweet things attract a person and just as lushness cools the eyes, similarly the heart is attracted to the world and the eyes are captivated by it.

The meaning of “Allah is going to make you rulers in this world,” is that this world, as a matter of fact, belongs to Allah Ta’ala. He is the True Ruler and Governor of it. He has made you His deputies and agents in running the world. Allah Ta’ala, watches you therefore, how you are carrying out this duty and responsibility.

It could also mean that Allah Ta’ala has made you the inheritors of this world after people before you. He has, therefore, given to you what they left behind. Now, He is watching you, how much lessons you have taken from your predecessors’ conditions and states, and how you are utilizing their wealth and estates.

The meaning of “Beware of the world,” is that the world is a net spread out to deceive and trap. As far as possible, stay away from this net. Let it not be that you become ensnared in it on account of the deceptive wealth and fame of this world, losing thereby your religious bearings.

The world has no permanency. It is temporary and perishing. The morrow when you are going to be raised from being dead then you will have to account for the halaal things which you used. And for the haraam, you are going to be punished.

Similarly, beware of the guile and deception of women. This captivating body of a metre or two of sand is a gift from Allah when it is in the form of a pious woman. But, on the other hand, in the form of an evil woman it is a fitnah (tribulation) to the world. Let it not be that the tricks of evil women and the wrong demands of your wives lead you to forbidden and haraam things. In consequence you fall headlong into the pits of self-destruction.
