Traditional Proof That the Ambiya are Sinless
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Allah Ta’ala said to Ibraheem (Alaihis Salaam):
“Undoubtedly (O Ibraheem) I am going to make you an Imaam of the people.”
At the end of this Aayat, it is mentioned that Hazrat Ibraheem (Alaihis Salaam) requested this position for his progeny. It is clear that the position referred to was Nubuwwat (the Office of a Nabi), as the promise materialised in that manner (that is, Ibraheem Alaihis Salaam was made a Nabi).
In response to his request the Divine Declaration came:
“My Pledge will not be given to the zaalimeen (those who commit zulm).”
Zulm covers every type of sin. From this it is clear that sin and Nubuwwat are mutually repellent. This is Ismat (being sinless).
(Al-Istibsaar Fee Fadhlil Istighfaar)