The One in Haidh, Nifaas or Janaabat Reading the Qur’aan

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. It is permissible for a woman in the state of haidh, nifaas or janaabat to read a portion of an Aayat, that is one or two words, or half an Aayat provided that the half does not equal a very short Aayat. More than this is not permissible.
  2. It is permissible for the women mentioned to read Surah Faatihah with the intention of Du’aa.
  3. It is permissible for them to read the Du’aas which appear in the Qur’aan as a supplication. This is not sinful.
  4. Example of reading a Du’aa of the Qur’aan is: “Rabbana aatina fid dunya hasanah, wa fil Aakhirati hasanah, wa qina athaaban naar.”
  5. Another example: “Rabbana laa tu-aakhithna in naseena aw akhta-na…” till the end of Surah Baqarah.
  6. To read any Du’aa which appears in the Qur’aan Shareef with the intention of Du’aa is permissible for a woman in haidh or nifaas or janaabat.
  7. It is also permissible for such a woman to read Du’aa-e-Qunoot (as it is a Du’aa, and obviously this recital will be out of Salaat and as a supplication).

(Behshti Zewar)