The Fitnah of Pedal Tennis

Reading Time: 2 minutes


On this new Ibleesi vice, pedal tennis, Maulana Ridwaan Ravat has the following Naseehat:

Respected Community of Newcastle.

.السلام علیکم و رحمة الله وبركاته

I sincerely hope and make duaa that you all are well and enjoying the many bounties of Allah Ta’ala.

The following message is not intended to offend anyone, but a deep concern in my heart based on my involvement in the community and dealing with a wide range of people on a daily basis.

For some time now, I’ve been unindated with requests to use the Jumma platform as an opportunity to speak out against the Pedal obsession. However, I’ve always held backed, purely due to the fact that many of the Pedal courts belong to Muslims. I also noticed alot of content being circulated on social media regarding Pedal, which I felt was sufficient.

What prompted the penning of this deep concern was that I received a call last night from a distraught husband, who is on the brink of ending his marriage, and one of the fundamental reasons is his wife’s obsession with Pedal.

It was extremely disturbing to hear how our married brothers and sisters are casually playing Pedal together. Open blatant violation of the laws of Allah Ta’ala. Mothers are introducing their baaligh / Mature sons to strange women in the name of Mothers and sons games. Not that it is justified for single boys and girls to be playing together.

Some time earlier I received multiple similar complaints, of wives who felt neglected due to their husbands new obsession.

As I alluded to in my opening comments, much has been written on the topic and I don’t want to go into every harm. This short write up is focused on one aspect and that is simply:

Let sanity prevail. We have sadly reached a point where families are on the brink of collapse due to this new found obsession.

We are so desperately in need of the Rahmah/mercy of Allah Ta’ala, locally and globally.

How will that ever be gained, when there is such open, blatant disregard for the laws of Allah Ta’ala?

My message is general. If I mistakenly got involved, turn to Allah Ta’ala in forgiveness and make amends. If I know of anyone that is involved, don’t look down upon them rather make duaa for theirs and our guidance.

May Allah Ta’ala keep us in his perpetual obedience. May Allah Ta’ala save us from his disobedience. May Allah Ta’ala allow for us to say or do those actions which will be pleasing to him always and may Allah Ta’ala protect us from ever doing or saying anything which will be a cause of his anger and displeasure. Aameen

Humble request for duaas.

Ridwaan Ravat (Ml)

25 October 2024