Black Seed Directional Use
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The Hadeeth has stated that every type of cure can be found in black seeds. One way of using this bountiful seed is as follows:
Hazrat Qataadah (an eminent Taabi’ – Rahmatullahi alaih) said:
- Take 21 black seeds daily.
- Put them in a cloth.
- Soak them in water.
- On the first day, put 2 drops in the right nostril and one drop in the left nostril.
- On the second day, put 1 drop in the right nostril and 2 drops in the left nostril (if one is not cured on the first day).
- On the third day, put 2 drops in the right nostril and 1 drop in the left (if one is not cured on the second day).
(Tirmithi, Al-Mawaahibul Lateefah, Tuhfatul Alma’ee)