Mu’taadah and Aadat
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Mu’taadah, in haidh, refers to one who has a regular cycle of bleeding in haidh, that is a fixed number of days of bleeding for haidh.
- Aadat in haidh is a regular cycle; a habitual pattern of haidh and tuhr.
- This regular cycle is determined by having a saheeh damm and a saheeh tuhr.
- In other words, you have a set number of days – 3-to-10-days bleeding period – followed by a tuhr of a minimum of 15 days, and the tuhr is unblemished with any discharge.
- In this case, your aadat or cycle has been set.
- If the damm was saheeh (3 to 10 days) not the tuhr (by being less than 15 days or contaminated with some discharge) then too you become a mu’taadah, that is you can take the number of days of haidh as your cycle or routine period.
- Example: A young girl for the first time experiences 5 days haidh followed by 14 days tuhr. Then continuous bleeding started.
- Her haidh cycle will be 5 days followed by 25 days of tuhr.
- Therefore, after every 25 days of tuhr she will have 5 days of haidh if the bleeding persists.
- During these five days she will not perform Salaat. For the remaining 25 days she will.
(Manhalul Waarideen)