Mu’taadah and Aadat

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. Mu’taadah, in haidh, refers to one who has a regular cycle of bleeding in haidh, that is a fixed number of days of bleeding for haidh.
  2. Aadat in haidh is a regular cycle; a habitual pattern of haidh and tuhr.
  3. This regular cycle is determined by having a saheeh damm and a saheeh tuhr.
  4. In other words, you have a set number of days – 3-to-10-days bleeding period – followed by a tuhr of a minimum of 15 days, and the tuhr is unblemished with any discharge.
  5. In this case, your aadat or cycle has been set.
  6. If the damm was saheeh (3 to 10 days) not the tuhr (by being less than 15 days or contaminated with some discharge) then too you become a mu’taadah, that is you can take the number of days of haidh as your cycle or routine period.
  7. Example: A young girl for the first time experiences 5 days haidh followed by 14 days tuhr. Then continuous bleeding started.
  • Her haidh cycle will be 5 days followed by 25 days of tuhr.
  • Therefore, after every 25 days of tuhr she will have 5 days of haidh if the bleeding persists.
  • During these five days she will not perform Salaat. For the remaining 25 days she will.

(Manhalul Waarideen)