No Accountability over Food and Eating for These Three

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. It comes in the Hadeeth that there are three people from whom a reckoning (on the Day of Qiyaamat) will not be taken over food and eating, whatever they eat, provided that it is Halaal.
  2. The one is a person who fasts.
  3. The second is a person who partakes of sehri (sahoor).
  4. And the third is a Guard in the Path of Allah. (In other words, a person staying and guarding the Frontiers of the Land of Islam from the kuffaar).
  5. This Hadeeth evinces the great regard for a person who fasts, a person who partakes of sehri and a person guarding Islam.
  6. Accountability for what they eat is pardoned from them.
  7. However, one should not indulge fully in luxury foods on account of this consideration.
  8. Over-indulging in delicious foods makes one forgetful of Allah.
  9. It stimulates one to commit sin.
  10. Understand what we are saying well.
  11. Rather, one should treasure this Favour from Allah Ta’ala immensely.
  12. And one should make Shukr (be thankful) over it by engaging in Allah Ta’ala’s Ibaadat more and more.

(Behshti Zewar)