No Accountability over Food and Eating for These Three
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- It comes in the Hadeeth that there are three people from whom a reckoning (on the Day of Qiyaamat) will not be taken over food and eating, whatever they eat, provided that it is Halaal.
- The one is a person who fasts.
- The second is a person who partakes of sehri (sahoor).
- And the third is a Guard in the Path of Allah. (In other words, a person staying and guarding the Frontiers of the Land of Islam from the kuffaar).
- This Hadeeth evinces the great regard for a person who fasts, a person who partakes of sehri and a person guarding Islam.
- Accountability for what they eat is pardoned from them.
- However, one should not indulge fully in luxury foods on account of this consideration.
- Over-indulging in delicious foods makes one forgetful of Allah.
- It stimulates one to commit sin.
- Understand what we are saying well.
- Rather, one should treasure this Favour from Allah Ta’ala immensely.
- And one should make Shukr (be thankful) over it by engaging in Allah Ta’ala’s Ibaadat more and more.
(Behshti Zewar)