What a Reward for Fasting!!!

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. It comes in the Hadeeth: “Allah Ta’ala has indeed fixed (the reward of) good deeds of man at 7 times to 700 times more.
  2. Allah Ta’ala says: ‘Besides fasting.’ (In other words, 700 is not the limit in fasting.)
  3. ‘And Fasting is exclusively for Me.’
  4. And I will give the reward of fasting.’”
  5. One can get an idea of the magnitude of the reward for fasting from this Hadeeth.
  6. Its exact amount is beyond grasp.
  7. Over and above that is the fact that Allah Ta’ala will be presenting the reward.
  8. Its arrangement and presentation will not be through the agency of the Malaaikah (Angels).
  9. Subhaanallah! What appreciation by Haq Ta’ala!
  10. What compensation for just a little effort!

(Behshti Zewar)