What a Reward for Fasting!!!
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- It comes in the Hadeeth: “Allah Ta’ala has indeed fixed (the reward of) good deeds of man at 7 times to 700 times more.
- Allah Ta’ala says: ‘Besides fasting.’ (In other words, 700 is not the limit in fasting.)
- ‘And Fasting is exclusively for Me.’
- And I will give the reward of fasting.’”
- One can get an idea of the magnitude of the reward for fasting from this Hadeeth.
- Its exact amount is beyond grasp.
- Over and above that is the fact that Allah Ta’ala will be presenting the reward.
- Its arrangement and presentation will not be through the agency of the Malaaikah (Angels).
- Subhaanallah! What appreciation by Haq Ta’ala!
- What compensation for just a little effort!
(Behshti Zewar)