The Virtue of Two Rakaats Salaat with Concentration After a Proper Wudhu

Last updated on October 22nd, 2024 at 03:44 am

Reading Time: < 1 minute

If a person offers Two Rakaats (Nafl) Namaaz immediately thereafter (that is, after making a proper wudhu. See The Virtue of Reciting Bismillah and Kalimah Shahaadah When Making Wudhu), reciting Qur’aan therein (how Qur’aan should be recited) and one knows what one is reciting, that is one does not recite absentmindedly, (one recites with presence of mind so that one knows what one is reading) and one completes the whole Namaaz in this manner then such a person becomes completely purified of sin upon completing his Salaat, like the day his/her mother gave birth to him/her. It is then said to such a person: “Start your deeds afresh.” (Ihya-us Sunan – Behshti Zewar)


  • All his sins till that point in time are forgiven.
  • The Ulama state that minor sins are intended.
  • The question arises: How does the person (who makes such a wudhu and Salaat) know of him being told to start his deeds afresh?
  • The answer is: We learn of it by virtue of the above Hadeeth of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
  • This much is sufficient to bring joy and to inspire one to carry out such deeds.

(Behshti Zewar)