The Best Dowry (Part Four)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Namaaz When Travelling

A journey is undertaken either by train or a cart. (This was in those times. In these times a journey is undertaken, in most cases, either with a vehicle or a plane. The plane resembles the train, and the vehicle resembles the cart.)

If you are travelling in a cart (or vehicle, car, etc.) then the transport is in your control. Stop it somewhere (safe. In other words, you can tell the male driver to stop somewhere safe where you can offer your Salaat). Don your burqa’ or big cloak and offer your Namaaz one side (that is, in a secluded place).

If you do not have wudhu then you can make wudhu using the cart (or car) as a screen, (or anywhere where you are in privacy without any stranger looking).

If you are travelling by train (or plane) and you are in a carriage (or section) exclusively for women, then in spite of the disturbance, if you are determined to read your Namaaz then you will find place to read your Namaaz.

The train stops in most stations for the duration of discharging two or three Rakaats of Salaat. In a Shar’i journey (that is a journey of 77,5km or more) only two Rakaats (as in Fajr, Zuhr, Asr and Ishaa) or three Rakaats (as in Maghrib), are Fardh. You will therefore be afforded with adequate time.

It is also permissible to read Namaaz in a moving train (or on board a plane).

If it is difficult to perform Sunnat or Nafl Salaats on safar then there is no harm. However, do not forgo your Fardh and Waajib Salaats, and the Sunnat of Fajr, even on a journey.

If you are not sitting in a carriage (or class) exclusively for females, then in such a case your husband or mahram must be with you. He will take care of you. (In other words, he will provide the necessary screening and Pardah for you to read your Namaaz.)

It is necessary for a female to have a husband or mahram with her on a journey in which Namaaz becomes qasr (that is, when 4 Rakaats Salaat becomes 2 Rakaats, and that is a journey with the intention of travelling 77,5km or more).

Mahram is a male with whom nikaah is never permissible, such as your father, brother, uncle (father’s or mother’s brother), your son, et al.

A male with whom a woman can marry in certain cases and cannot in certain cases is not a mahram, such as the husband of your sister or aunty (paternal or maternal). Nikaah with such a person is not permissible as long as they are married to the sister or aunty.

In short, there is nothing to stop you when you are determined. Whoever is rigid on their Namaaz, be it a male or female, they will offer their Namaaz even whilst travelling.

Although when traveling on a train (or plane) you are not in control (of the transport), however, this is not an excuse for leaving out your Namaaz.

(To be continued Insha Allah)