The Time of Zuhr
Last updated on December 19th, 2024 at 10:59 am
Reading Time: < 1 minute- Zuhr time commences when the sun passes its zenith.
- The sign of the sun passing its zenith is that the shadow of lengthy objects start to increase in the eastern direction in contrast to the shadow cast in the morning (which is in the western direction).
- Another sign is that when the sun rises and climbs in the sky the shadow of everything increases. When the increase stops then this is precisely midday. Now when the shadow starts to increase again then understand that the day has started to decline and the time of Zuhr has commenced.
- Zuhr time remains till the shadow of objects are double their size and added to that is the shadow cast at precise midday.
- For example, an object of a hand length is four fingers wide at the time of precise midday (when the shadow of objects stops increasing). Now, as long as it is not two hands’ length and four fingers, it is Zuhr time.
- When the object’s shadow becomes two hands’ length and four fingers, in the above example, then Asr time starts.
(Behshti Zewar)