Sins Washed Off by Making Wudhu
It comes in the Hadeeth that when a Muslim makes wudhu and washes his face then all the sins which he committed with his eyes are washed off his face with the water – or Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that the sins are washed off with the last drop of water – falling from his face.
When he washes his hands (till the elbows) all his sins which he committed with the hands are washed away with the water – or Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that the sins are washed off with the last drop of water.
Then when he washes his feet all the sins he committed with his feet (such as walking and going to haraam places and towards haraam activities) are washed away.
In this manner he/she is purified of sins. (Muslim)
- The sins referred to are minor sins, as stated by the Ulama.
- An example of sins of the eyes is casting evil glances.
- An example of sins of the hand is to touch someone with an evil intention.
- An example of sins of the feet is to go somewhere with an evil intention.
- Make wudhu thoroughly.
- What a great virtue of wudhu and how great is wudhu!
- Treasure this.
(Behshti Zewar)