The Abode of Purdah

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Most women lack understanding of the meaning of purdah (hijaab). In their concept of ‘hijaab’, the obligation is discharged by wearing an outer cloak and a niqaab. This is the be-all of purdah in their comprehension. It is for this reason that the jilbaab (outer cloak) is regarded as a licence for wandering all over the show and for driving vehicles.

While they have adopted an outer facade of purdah, they entirely lack the real and true hijaab – the spirit and rooh of hijaab – which is hijaab of the heart. If taqwa is lacking, the woman donning the outer cloak will not observe proper purdah. Her eyes will wander and be misused from behind the subterfuge of the niqaab. But she should remember that the surreptitious glances of the eyes are recorded. Allah Ta’ala is ever watchful. Instructing us to seek Allah’s protection against the evil of the eyes, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) prescribed the following du’a:

“O Allah! Purify my eyes from khiyaanat (furtive haraam glances), for verily, You are aware of the treachery of the eyes and of that which the hearts conceal.”

Women are generally oblivious of the prohibition of looking at males. The niqaab is never permission for nafsaani gazes. Just as Allah Ta’ala has commanded men to lower their gaze, so too has He commanded women.

Once, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umm-e-Maktoom (Radhiyallahu anhu), a very old and blind Sahaabi, came to visit Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). At that time, two of Rasulullah’s wives were present. As the blind Sahaabi arrived, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) ordered his wives, “Go into hijaab (concealment).” The wives said: “But he is blind.” Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) replied: “Are the two of you also blind?” This instruction of Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) should prove salutary for women who have taken the niqaab as a subterfuge for the treacherous activity of the eyes.

The degree of hijaab to be observed may be correctly gauged from this episode by the women wandering around flaunting their cloaks and niqaabs in the streets and in the driving seats of vehicles. With regard to the driving seat, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) sounded the following dire warning: “Allah curses women on saddles.” 

The first requisite of hijaab is to remain at home. Emergence from the sacred precincts of the home is allowed for needs condoned by the Shariah. The jilbaab and niqaab do not abrogate the Law of Hijaab which prohibits unnecessary emergence from the home environ.

As long as fear of Allah (taqwa) is not cultivated, it will not be possible to observe the type of purdah which Allah and His Rasool (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had envisaged and commanded. One step in the direction of developing fear for Allah Ta’ala is to meditate on Maut, the Qabr and the Aakhirah. But, the need is to completely submit to the Shariah and adopt the Sunnah, and attend to Islaah (reformation) of the nafs.

(Awake Archives)