A Vow: “O Allah! If this work of mine is accomplished, then I am going to fast for five days!”
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- A person said, “O Allah! If this work of mine is accomplished, then I am going to fast for five days,” the five days of fasting will have to be kept if the work was accomplished.
- If the work was not accomplished then it will not be waajib to keep the five days’ fast.
- In the above case if the person merely said, “I am going to fast for five days,” then he/she has the option of keeping all five days’ fast together, or complete them one at a time, or in batches of two, etc.
- Both ways – keeping the five in one go or separating the five – are permissible.
- And if the person said in the above case, “I am going to keep five fasts in succession,” or he/she had this intention, then it will be binding to keep all five in succession.
- If while keeping the five fasts, a day or two was missed then he/she will have to start all over again keeping the five in succession.
(Behshti Zewar)