Bleeding Stopping Before 3 Full Days are Complete

Reading Time: 2 minutes
  1. If bleeding stops before 3 full days are complete, then either one of the following two scenarios can transpire:

1.1 She remained in a clean state (tuhr) for a full 15 days. In this case the bleeding was not haidh.


  • She started bleeding on Sunday sunrise time.
  • The bleeding stopped a few minutes before sunrise on Wednesday.
  • It was less than 72 full hours.
  • She then remained in a clean state for a full 15 days.
  • The bleeding from Sunday till before sunrise on Wednesday in this case was not haidh, it was istihaadhah.

1.2 She remained clean for less than 15 days. In this case she should go according to her fixed number of days, or her last proper cycle of haidh and tuhr.

1.3 If she does not have any proper cycle of haidh and tuhr, or this is the first time she is bleeding then her haidh is 10 days.


  • She started bleeding on Sunday sunrise time.
  • The bleeding stopped a few minutes before sunrise on Wednesday.
  • It was less than 72 full hours.
  • The bleeding resumed before 15 clean days passed by, such as on the 14th day or before that.
  • In this case, it is as if she was continuously bleeding.
  • Thus, if she has a fixed number of days of haidh, such as 5 or 6, then she should take that number of days as haidh and the balance istihaadhah.
  • If she does not have a fixed number of days, or she does not have a previous proper cycle of haidh and tuhr, then in the example (2), 10 days will be her haidh.
  • The general rule is that a tuhr which falls short of 15 days, even a minute or so, is in effect a period of bleeding. This bleeding could be either haidh or istihaadhah, depending on her previous haidh cycle/s.

(Manhalul Waarideen)