Types of Tuhr

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. There are four types of Tuhr. They are:
  • Tuhre Taam
  • Tuhre Naaqis
  • Tuhre Saheeh
  • Tuhre Faasid
  1. Tuhre Taam is a clean period of at least 15 days.
  2. Tuhre Naaqis is a clean period of less than 15 days.
  3. Tuhre Saheeh is a clean period in which there is no bleeding, spotting or discharge at all. She remains completely clean during the entire duration of this Tuhr.
  4. Tuhre Faasid is a clean state tainted with some bleeding or discharge during it.
  5. A Tuhre Taam can be saheeh or faasid.
  6. Similarly, a Tuhre Naaqis can be saheeh or faasid.
  7. However, the terms saheeh and faasid are generally used in conjunction with a Tuhre Taam.
  8. Take the following scenario:
  • A woman has a regular cycle of 3 days bleeding.
  • In a particular month she bled for 3 days as is her aadat or regular cycle.
  • Thereafter she remained completely clean for 15 days.
  • She then had a day’s blood.
  • This was followed by a day of tuhr, that is she remained clean that day.
  • She then had a 3-day bleeding period.
  • The first 3 days and the last 3 days in this example are her days of haidh.
  • Between these two periods of haidh there is a Tuhre Taam of 17 days, although it is faasid due to a day of bleeding, that is the 16th
  • On this 16th day, in spite of the bleeding she reads her Salaat, because the bleeding is istihaadhah.
  • Her Tuhr of 17 days was Taam, that is complete, and it was also faasid due to the bleeding in it.
  1. The above example can be represented as follows:


(B=Bleeding, C=Clean)

(Manhalul Waarideen)