Zakaat on Gold, Silver and Money

Last updated on December 17th, 2024 at 11:43 am

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. If you have 612,36 grams of silver, or more, and it remains for 1 year in your possession, then upon the passing of the year its Zakaat has to be compulsorily given.
  2. If you have 87,48 grams of gold, or more, and it remains in your possession for 1 year, then upon the passing of the year its Zakaat has to be compulsorily given.
  3. If you have money (Rands, or any other currency) equivalent to the price of 612,36 grams silver, or more, then too Zakaat becomes Waajib.
  4. If you have less than the above amounts then Zakaat is not waajib.

(Behshti Zewar)