Bleeding More Than One’s Fixed Number of Days

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. A woman has a fixed number of days of haidh, such as 3 or 4. If in a particular month she experiences more than her fixed number of days, then as long as the bleeding does not exceed 10 days, all will be haidh.
  2. If on the other hand the bleeding exceeded 10 days then her haidh is the set number of days she routinely gets haidh.
  3. Example: A woman has routine periods of 3 days haidh. Then one month she bled for 9 days or 10 days. All this is haidh.
  4. If in the above case (3) the bleeding exceeded 10 days and 10 nights, even a minute more, then her haidh is 3 days as usual, and the rest is istihaadhah.
  5. Qadha of Salaahs missed during the istihaadhah period is waajib.

(Behshti Zewar)