Hazrat Layya – The Maternal Aunt of Hazrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam)
She is mentioned in the Qur’aan Majeed. When Hazrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) became Minister of the Treasury in Misr (Egypt) there was a drought. All his brothers came to him for grain. Hazrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) revealed himself to them. He gave his kurta for them to place over the eyes of Hazrat Ya’qoob (Alaihis Salaam). He also told them to bring the whole family to him.
In this manner, the eyesight of Hazrat Ya’qoob (Alaihis Salaam) was restored. And he left his homeland and came to Hazrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) in Misr.
In honour of his father and his aunt, Hazrat Yusuf seated them on his throne. On that occasion the two and all his brothers fell into sajdah before Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam). In that day and age, sajdah in place of salaam was proper. Now it is not permissible.
Allah Ta’ala designated the aunt as ‘mother’. Hazrat Yusuf’s mother had passed away and Hazrat Ya’qoob (Alaihis Salaam) married her.
Some Mufassireen (Commentators on the Qur’aan) have said that the lady in question was the mother of Hazrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam). Her name was Raaheel.
Upon all of them making sajdah to Hazrat Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam), he exclaimed: “This is the interpretation of my dream in my childhood.” He saw in a dream the sun, the moon and seven stars making sajdah to him.
- Look at how great she was; she was honoured by a Nabi!
- If the Khala is pious then she deserves to be honoured.
- And even if she is not pious then too it is waajib to show respect to her.