Iddat and Hajj; Iddat and Parents’ Home

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Q. Is it permissible for a woman in her iddat to go for Hajj in the company of a mahram male?

A. It is not permissible for her to go on a journey, be it for Hajj or for anything else. It is incumbent on her to remain in her iddat-home.

Q. A woman has been divorced by her husband. She refuses to pass her iddat in the man’s house. She says that she will pass her iddat at her parents’ home. In this circumstance is it obligatory upon the man to maintain her during the iddat?

A. Since she leaves the iddat-house of her own accord without having a valid Shar’i reason, she is not entitled to maintenance during her iddat.

(From The Majlis Archives)