Must Women Wait for the Athaan to Perform Their Salaat?
Reading Time: < 1 minuteQ. Is it necessary for women who perform Salaat at home to wait for the Athaan to be called before
Reading Time: < 1 minuteQ. Is it necessary for women who perform Salaat at home to wait for the Athaan to be called before
Reading Time: 2 minutesNamaaz When Travelling A journey is undertaken either by train or a cart. (This was in those times. In these
Reading Time: < 1 minute“They have not been ordered but with making the Ibaadat of Allah with complete sincerity in the Deen (that is,
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIf while reading Fardh Namaaz haidh started then that Namaaz is also waived. After becoming Paak (clean from haidh) then
Reading Time: < 1 minuteDuring haidh it is not permissible to perform Salaat. During haidh it is not permissible to fast. Namaaz is completely
Reading Time: < 1 minuteQ. If the Athaan is called just as one starts with Salaat, should the Salaat be discontinued? A. If the
Reading Time: < 1 minuteRasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Salaat is the Tower of Deen. Whoever has read his/her Salaat properly, has maintained his
Reading Time: < 1 minutePerforming the Five Daily Salaats carries great thawaab. Leaving out the Five Daily Salaats is a grave sin. It comes
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIf a person offers Two Rakaats (Nafl) Namaaz immediately thereafter (that is, after making a proper wudhu. See The Virtue
Reading Time: < 1 minuteNamaaz is completely waived during nifaas. Fasting is not waived. Qadha of missed fasts should be kept. The laws of
Reading Time: < 1 minute2. Shar’i Laws and Divine Commandments are plenty, which you have learnt somewhat from Deeni kitaabs, especially from Behshti Zewar.