For Them There are Wives Completely Cleansed
Last updated on February 25th, 2025 at 11:00 am
Reading Time: 2 minutesبسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وَلَهُمْ فِيْهَآ اَزْوَاجٌ مُطَهَّرَةٌ
Surah Baqarah, Aayat 25
For them (who are Believers and do good deeds) there (in the Gardens of Jannat) are wives (from the Hoors, and their earthly wives) completely cleansed (of haidh, faeces, phlegm, mucous, etc. and all detested traits).
(Jalaalain with Marginal Note)
The purport is that they are bodily cleansed from haidh, istihaadhah and all filth, and cleansed from all despicable character.
The Aayat alludes to several subtle points. These are:
1. When a woman goes into the state of haidh, then Allah Ta’ala has prohibited intimacy. Says Allah Ta’ala: “It (haidh) is filthy. Therefore, stay away from them during the period of haidh.”
When Allah Ta’ala has prohibited going close to them on account of the impurity on them, which they are excused for, then consider that the wives of Jannat are thoroughly cleansed, so to a greater degree will a man be prohibited from them when he is contaminated with the najaasat (impurity) of sins for which he is not excused. [In other words, a person contaminated with sins will not enter Jannat and enjoy himself with the Women of Jannat.]
2. A person who fulfils his desire in ahalaalmanner [that is with a lawful wife] is then forbidden [due to being in the state of janaabat] from entering the Masjid, where every good and bad person enters. Thus, how can one who fulfils his passion in a haraam manner [that is with a woman who is not lawful for him] be allowed to enter Jannat which is the abode of only the Mutahharoon [the thoroughly cleansed]!? For this reason, when Aadam (Alaihis Salaam) slipped up, he was expelled from Jannat.
3. The Aayat does not say, “Azwaajun Taahirah”– clean wives. The word, “Mutahharah” – thoroughly cleansed – suggests that there is a Mutahhir/Purifier who purified them. And that is none but Allah Ta’ala. This signifies the grand state of those who are going to be rewarded. The Aayat thus implies that it is Allah Ta’ala Who beautified them for those deserving of thawaab.
(From At-Tafseerul Kabeer of Imaam Raazi Rahmatullahi alaih)