The Daughter of the Kaafir King, Namrood

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Namrood was the oppressive king who cast Hazrat Ibraheem (Alaihis Salaam) to the fire. His daughter, whose name was Rag’dhah was looking on from an elevated place. She saw that the fire did nothing to Hazrat Ibraheem (Alaihis Salaam). She called out to Hazrat Ibraheem asking for the reason. He replied: “Allah Ta’ala has rescued me through the barkat (blessing) of Imaan.”

Upon this she said: “Allow me to also enter the fire!” Hazrat Ibraheem (Alaihis Salaam) replied: “Say, ‘Laa ilaaha Illallaah, Ibraheemu Khaleelullah.’”

She said the words and fearlessly went into the fire. Her entering the fire was not to be burnt. She witnessed the barkat of Imaan and hence she wished to illuminate her heart with perfect faith and belief. Furthermore, it was with the permission of the Nabi. Therefore, this is not suicide and sinful.

The fire did not do anything to her. She then emerged from the fire and admonished her father. He adopted a harsh attitude towards her, but she remained firm on her Imaan.

Lesson: Subhaanallah! What a courageous lady she was! She never gave up her Imaan even in persecution. Ladies! Be firm and courageous in times of difficulty and do not go against the Deen even a hair’s breadth.

(Behshti Zewar)