For Every Sickness There is a Cure
Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “For every sickness, Allah Ta’ala has made a cure.” (Musnad Imaam Abu Haneefah Rahmatullahi Alaih)
This statement of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) fortifies the heart of the sick person and the physician.
When the sick person becomes aware that there is a cure for his sickness; a cure for removing his sickness, then his heart latches on to the Wing of Hope and it is relieved from the cauldron of despondency. The Door of Hope opens to him.
Now when his heart becomes stronger his natural body heat picks up. And that is the reason for strength in the soul of living animals and in their temperaments.
When their souls are strengthened then the powers of the body are fortified, and these overpower the sickness and drives it away.
Similarly, when the physician realizes that there is a cure for the sickness, he can then search for it and research it. (Al-Mawaahibul Lateefah)