Perfection for Women in Deen (Part Two)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Speech of the Ahlullah

It is observed that Noor cascades from the speech of the Ahlullah, whilst darkness drapes the speech of the deviates. The words of the Buzrugs are straightforward. They do not use flowery language, but studying their works produces Noor in the heart. On the other hand, those who are not observant of the Shariah, no matter how polished their words may be, these leave darkness in their wake, regardless of what they say being related to Deen. Since the words are theirs, therefore, darkness is a corollary of their words. Whoever has the slightest spiritual perception can sense this difference without doubt.

In the Speech of the Ahlullah again there is Noor which cannot be found in non-Ahlullah. One Buzrug’s son went to study away from home. He qualified in his studies and returned home as an Aalim. He came to his father. The father told him to give the bayaan. The son gave the bayaan and spoke on high academic issues but there was no effect on anyone. After his bayaan the Buzrug father went on the mimbar and related an incident that happened at night. “I had intention of fasting today,” he said. “I left some milk for Sehri. A stray cat came and drank up the milk.” Just this much made the audience emotional.

The father explained to his son: “Son! The effect of one’s heart falls on the audience, not the effect of words. You have acquired knowledge of words. Now let those words permeate your heart.”

It is not necessary that tears roll from the eyes as a result of the Ahlullah’s speech. Yes, tears roll from the hearts of the listeners from the words of the Ahlullah – those who have purified their hearts and saturated it with love for Allah.

Advice for These Times

In summary, experience and observation confirm that approximately the same benefit is gained from the writings of the Buzrugs as gained from staying with them. The benefit may not be exactly the same, but certainly close. Thus, if women cannot benefit from the company of Buzrugs, the sayings and life episodes of the Buzrugs are available. They should read these. Insha-Allah perfection will be achieved.

Even men should regularly study the sayings and episodes of the Buzrugs because not everyone has the time available to go and stay with the Buzrugs.  Aarif-e-Shiraazi proffers the following advice for these times: “In these times he who does not have a friend (a spiritual guide) should take for company the sayings of those who were madly in love with Allah.”

This also evinces that the benefit of a Friend in this Path can be gained in the way mentioned (by careful study of the sayings and directives of the Awliya). Thus, a person who does not have a Shaikh, he/she should make the kutub of the Mashaaikh his/her Shaikh.

Alhamdulillah, the question of how women can keep the company of those who are perfect in Deen has been answered from all angles. The answer in summary is that those who have a mahram who is accomplished in Deen should associate with him. Those who do not have such a mahram should search for a woman who has exemplary piety, knowledge and practice of the Deen. They should gain benefit with such a Waliyyah’s company. And for those who cannot find any of the above two, they should faithfully study the bayaans, sayings, stories and writings of the Buzrugs.

The bayaan focussing on women in the context of the Aayat mentioned at the beginning is complete. I have shown them an absolutely simple way how to achieve perfection in Deen. Now it rests with them whether they practise or not.

(Al-Kamaal Fid Deen Lin Nisaa by Hazrat Thanwi, Rahmatullahi alaih)