Hazrat Hawwa (Alaihas Salaam) Part Two

Last updated on June 24th, 2024 at 07:05 am

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  • There was a tree in Jannat Allah Ta’ala instructed not to be eaten from.
  • Hazrat Hawwa, in error, ate from the tree having been deceived by Shaitaan.
  • Upon this, Allah Ta’ala instructed that she leave Jannat and go to Earth.
  • Upon coming to Earth, she cried profusely over her error.
  • Allah Ta’ala pardoned her error.
  • When coming to Earth she was physically separated from Hazrat Aadam (Ala Nabiyyina wa Alaihis Salaam)
  • Allah Ta’ala then united her with him.
  • Numerous children were then born to them.


  1. Ladies! Look! Hazrat Hawwa admitted her mistake.
  2. She made Taubah.
  3. Some women try to justify their wrong.
  4. They refuse to accept their error.
  5. And there are many women who sin and continue sinning for the rest of their lives.
  6. They just do not give up sinning.
  7. In particular, gheebat and haraam customs are regularly perpetrated.
  8. Ladies! Forsake this habit!
  9. If you lapse and commit a wrong then immediately leave it and make Taubah.

(Behshti Zewar)