Bleeding More Than One’s Fixed Number of Days
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- A woman has a fixed number of days of haidh, such as 3 or 4. If in a particular month she experiences more than her fixed number of days, then as long as the bleeding does not exceed 10 days, all will be haidh.
- If on the other hand the bleeding exceeded 10 days then her haidh is the set number of days she routinely gets haidh.
- Example: A woman has routine periods of 3 days haidh. Then one month she bled for 9 days or 10 days. All this is haidh.
- If in the above case (3) the bleeding exceeded 10 days and 10 nights, even a minute more, then her haidh is 3 days as usual, and the rest is istihaadhah.
- Qadha of Salaahs missed during the istihaadhah period is waajib.
(Behshti Zewar)