Some Do’s and Don’ts When in the State of Haidh and Nifaas

Reading Time: 2 minutes
  1. It is not permissible for a woman in the state of menses (monthly periods) and state of nifaas (impurity following childbirth) to touch or recite the Holy Qur’aan. However she may touch the Qur’aan if it is wrapped in a cloth, etc. which is not sewn to the cover of the Qur’aan.
  2. Salaah is waived for her and it is not permissible for her to perform any Salaah whatsoever. There is no obligation upon her to fulfil (make qadha of) the daily fardh Salaah which she had missed during her state of impurity.
  3.  It is not permissible for her to fast during her state of impurity, but she has to make qadha of her fardh (compulsory) fasts which she misses as a result of her state of impurity.
  4. It is not permissible for a woman in the state of impurity, anyone without wudhu or any person upon whom a compulsory ghusl is necessary, to touch any object on which a verse of the Holy Qur’aan is engraved.
  5. It is permissible for people in the state of impurity to recite the Kalimah, Durood Shareef, Istighfaar and Dua.
  6. It is mustahab (preferable and meritorious) for a woman in the state of haidh (menses) to perform wudhu at the time of salaah and sit quietly somewhere reciting zikr for a while.
  7. If her monthly period commenced after she had already fasted half the day then she will have to make qadha of that day once she attains purity. This applies to fardh as well as nafl fasts.
  8. The time for a particular salaah started and a woman was in the state of purity, but she delayed in performing her salaah and her monthly period commenced just a few minutes before the expiry of the time for that salaah. In this case also the salaah is waived and she is not liable to make qadha of it.
  9. It is not permissible to indulge in sexual intercourse during the state of haidh or nifaas.
  10. During the month of Ramadhaan, if a woman attains purity from her menses during the daytime then it is not permissible for her to eat or drink for the rest of that day. She has to pass the rest of the day like a fasting person and will have to make qadha of this day as well.

(From The Majlis Archives)