Hazrat Saarah (Alaihas Salaam)
Last updated on January 9th, 2025 at 05:01 am
Reading Time: 2 minutes- She was the wife of Hazrat Ibraheem (Alaihis Salaam).
- She was the mother of Nabi Is’haaq (Alaihis Salaam).
- Her speaking to the Angels and the Angels telling her that, may the Mercy and Blessing of Allah Ta’ala be upon your whole household, is mentioned in the Qur’aan.
- A story of her chastity and acceptance of her Du’aa is mentioned in the Hadeeth.
- When Hazrat Ibraheem (Alaihis Salaam) made Hijrat to Shaam she was with him.
- On the way they came to a city of a zaalim (oppressive) king.
- Someone told that wretched person that a very beautiful lady has entered your domain.
- He summoned Hazrat Ibraheem (Alaihis Salaam) and questioned: “Who is this woman with you?”
- He replied: “My sister (in Deen).”
- He never said, “wife,” otherwise the king would have killed him in view of him being the husband.
- When he returned from the king, he told Hazrat Saarah not to make him a liar. “You are my Deeni sister.”
- The king then had her arrested and brought before him.
- When Hazrat Saarah (Alaihas Salaam) saw that the king had an evil intention with her she made wudhu and read Namaaz.
- She then made Du’aa: “O Allah! If I am a believer in You and Your Messenger, and I am a protector of my chastity, then do not let this kaafir take control over me.”
- This means: O Allah! I am certainly a Muslim. Therefore, through the barkat of Imaan and Islam save me from this calamity.
- The conditional clause was for emphasis, not to express a possibility or doubt.
- Suddenly the kaafir king started suffocating and moving and kicking his hands and legs in desperation.
- He then begged her: “Make Du’aa to Allah for me to be saved and I give you my word that I won’t do anything to you.
- Hazrat Saarah (Alaihas Salaam) also thought: ‘If he dies, I am going to be charged with killing him.’
- She therefore made Du’aa for him to stay alive.
- He immediately recovered.
(To be continued, Insha Allah)