Utbah or Utaibah?
Some Historians have written that the husband of Hazrat Umme Kulthum (Radhiyallahu anha) became a Muslim, and this incident (of a lion killing Abu Lahab’s son) took place with the other brother (who was married to Hazrat Ruqayyah). In any case, from the first husbands of Hazrat Ruqayyah and Hazrat Umme Kulthum, one became a Muslim and the other met his fate in the above manner (his head was ripped apart by a lion).
In Jam’ul Fawaaid, the incident is mentioned concerning Utaibah, and that he was the husband of Hazrat Umme Kulthum. It is also written that when this caravan stopped at a halting place called Zarqaa’, a lion came and walked about near them. Seeing this, Utaibah said: “O my God! This lion is going to eat me up like Muhammad cursed me.” The lion left and when everyone was sleeping it returned and killed Utaibah.
This incident (as mentioned in Jam’ul Fawaaid) is also mentioned in Dalaailun Nubuwwat, and the name of the one who was killed is given as Utbah. It is also written that when the caravan entered Shaam, a lion roared loudly. Hearing the lion, the young man began trembling. People asked: “Why are you trembling? Whatever our condition is will also be yours. What is the need to be so afraid?” He replied, “Muhammad cursed me. By Allah! There is no one more truthful under the sky than Muhammad.”
After that when they sat down to eat, due to fear this boy could not eat. When sleeping time came, the people put him in the middle and slept surrounding him. During the night, the lion came, and it smelt the mouths of everyone until it came to this boy and attacked him. During his last moments, he said: “I have said before that Muhammad is the most truthful of all.” He then died. Abu Lahab also said: “I understood before this, that this boy cannot escape the curse of Muhammad.”
However, the correct version appears to be that the incident took place concerning Utaibah, as in Al-Isaabah, Al-Isti’aab and Usdul Ghaabah it is written that Utbah became a Muslim.
(Rasulullah Sallalllahu Alaihi Wasallam Kee Saahbzaadiya)