The Importance of Istighfaar (2)

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Even if the remedy of curing with the same is adopted, then too, it is obvious that just any same thing can never be the purport (of treatment and cure with the same thing), rather a particular match will be intended. The determining of it requires authentic proof.

On the basis of this, the diagnosis is that sinning is an act. Therefore, the remedy is also an act (amal); and that act (amal), on the basis of authentic proof, is determined to be Taubah and Istighfaar (Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness). Thus, it is established that the cure for these misfortunes and tribulations is Taubah and Istighfaar.

Now the condition of our brothers is that they are preoccupied with complaining about misfortunes, especially about the current plague. However, they very seldom reflect about the underlying reason. It is therefore appropriate that by way of Mashwarah (counsel), Tableegh (delivering the Divine Message) and Khair Khaahi (goodwill) a concise article be written in this regard and submitted to my brothers so that the remedy of it (the calamities and misfortune overcoming us) settles in the mind.

(Al-Istibsaar Fee Fadhlil Istighfaar)