The Fitnah of Gender Equality

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The Kufr of Gender Equality

“Men are the rulers over women by virtue of the rank which Allah has bestowed to some over others…” (Surah Nisaa, Aayat 34)

“And for men there is a rank above them (women).”  (Surah Baqarah, Aayat 228)

In the first of the above two verses, Allah describes men as qawwaamoon which the Mufassireen translate as haakimoon (rulers). The Qur’aan states explicitly that the man is the haakim over the woman and that his rank is higher than that of a woman.

However, since the libertine and lewd cults of atheism and westernism have completely deranged the intellectual and natural faculties of people, they fail to understand the natural and rational Islamic concept of the superiority of man over woman.

The idea of gender equality is in stark conflict and rejection of the Qur’aan’s unambiguous declaration on this question. Intellectually and physically, the female is inferior to the male. Denial of this reality by the gender equality mob testifies to their intellectual perversion. In their stupor of perversion, they have descended to sub-animal levels of moral degradation. Even the beasts in the jungle have a higher perception of nature and reality than members of the gender mob.

Elaborating on the differences between the two sexes, Tafseer-e-Uthmani states: “In this aayat, the status of man and woman is described. The rank of man is higher than the status of woman. The disparity in ranks brings about differences in laws and injunctions. This difference is the product of Divine Wisdom and is most prudent. Justice demands that the weaker sex be granted leniency while heavier responsibility be imposed on the stronger sex. By nature, men are the rulers of women. They are their protectors and defenders. They are their husbands and masters. They are their maintainers and cherishers. They are the managers of the affairs of women.”

Once a Sahabi slapped his wife on account of her obstinacy. Her father complained to Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) who permitted the woman to take revenge in like measure if she wishes. However, before the woman could extract retribution the Qur’aanic verse declaring men to be the rulers of women was revealed. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) immediately notified the father and woman of the cancellation of his earlier instruction. He commented: “We desired something, and Allah desired something else. And whatever Allah wills is goodness.”

The superiority of male’s intelligence is confirmed by Rasulullah’s description of women as naaqisaatul aql (of deficient intelligence). Misguided Muslims and modernists in particular should reflect on the Qur’anic verses and the many Ahadeeth as well as the disparity in the Shariah’s laws applicable to men and women. They should reflect with sincerity for attaining the divine truth and reality. If they do so, they will then be able to dispel the haze of kufr indoctrination which has corrupted their thinking and transformed them into intellectual slavery of their western masters.

(Awake Archives)