The Mother of Hazrat Maryam (Alaihas Salaam)
Last updated on January 7th, 2025 at 05:00 am
Reading Time: < 1 minute- Her name was Hannah.
- Her husband’s name was Imraan who is the father of Hazrat Maryam (Alaihas Salaam).
- When she (Hazrat Hannah) fell pregnant she made a vow to Allah Ta’ala to dedicate the child born, for the khidmat (service) of the Masjid (Masjidul Aqsa).
- In other words, she would not take any mundane work from the child.
- She thought that the child would be a boy.
- The service to the Masjid could only be done by a male.
- In those times such a vow was valid.
- When she gave birth, the child turned out to be a girl.
- She said with a sigh, “Yaa Allah! This is a girl!”
- The Divine Response came: “This girl will be better than even boys, and Allah has accepted her.”
- Her name was kept, Maryam.
- She made Du’aa for the child, “O Allah! Protect her and her children from Shaitaan!”
- Hence our Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that Shaitaan troubles all babies when they are born, besides Hazrat Maryam and her son, Hazrat Isaa (Alaihimas Salaam) who Shaitaan could not interfere with.
- Look at what barkat her pure intention produced!
- What pure offspring Allah Ta’ala gave her!
- Allah Ta’ala also accepted her Du’aa.
- It appears that Allah Ta’ala had the best of consideration for her.
- Ladies! This is the barkat of pure intentions.
- Always keep your intentions sincere.
- Whatever good work you do, do it for Allah’s sake.
- You will also be appreciated in the Court of Allah Ta’ala then.
(Behshti Zewar)