A Child of Hazrat Haatim Asam (Rahmatullahi Alaih)
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Haatim Asam was a big Buzrug.
- A wealthy person was on a journey.
- He became thirsty.
- Hazrat Haatim’s home was on the way.
- The wealthy person asked for water.
- After drinking the water, he threw some coins into the home and carried on.
- The household lived on the Tawakkul of Allah (that is, when and whenever Allah Ta’ala sent food and provisions they ate.)
- Everyone became happy (when seeing the coins).
- Hazrat Haatim had a small girl.
- She started to cry.
- Everyone asked: “Why are you crying?”
- She replied: “A servant of Allah who is nothing saw our condition and we became rich.
- Allah Ta’ala sees us all the time.
- How sad that we don’t keep our hearts rich.” (In other words, remain happy for Allah Ta’ala is enriching us.)
- What a mind the child had!
- How regretful that even woman in advanced age do not have such intelligence.
- They do not look at Allah; they look at creation.
- They entertain ideas of getting something from this person and that person, and getting help from this person and that person.
- For Allah’s sake, correct your hearts!
(Behshti Zewar)