A Disputed Narration Concerning Hazrat Faatimah’s Last Moments
In Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal (Rahmatullahi alaih) there is a narration in which Hazrat Umme Salamah (Radhiyallahu anha) says: “I used to look after Faatimah (Radhiyallahu anha) during her last illness. One morning she said to me: ‘O Mother! Prepare some water for my ghusl.’ Accordingly, I did so.
She made ghusl in a thorough manner and after that she asked me to give her clothing, ‘Give me my new clothes.’ I did so and she took it from me and wore it.
Then she asked me to spread her bed out in the middle of the room and I did so. She lied down facing the Qiblah, placed her hand under her cheek and said to me, ‘O Mother! Now my soul will leave me. I have already performed ghusl so no one should open me after I pass away.’
She immediately then passed away. At that time Ali (Radhiyallahu anhu) was not present. When he returned, I informed him of what had happened.”
This narration is also mentioned in Usdul Ghaabah under the title of Umme Salamah, but the Ulama have not accepted it as correct that a ghusl before passing away is sufficient. Rather, the correct version is that Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Asmaa Bint Umais performed the ghusl after she passed away.
In Al-Isaabah, Haafiz Ibn Hajar (Rahimahullah) has also considered it implausible that the ghusl taken before demise was taken to be sufficient.
(Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Kee Saahbzaadiya)