The Fitnah of Gender-Interaction
A sister from U.K. who had studied at a girls Madrasah under molvies with zina tendencies, provided the following comments:
“I apologise for even sending this document, waste of energy and time, as well as infuriating to read our Islam being distorted for the desires of the men who have cosigned it towards the end. (the document refers to the copro baatil booklet of the miscreant agents of Iblees- The Majlis)
What we know of this document is that the misguided molvis love to freemix. Sisters (even brothers) we know have fallen into zina with some of these molvis.
When we had male teachers at Madrasah, we had a curtain, yet somehow numbers were exchanged between Ustadh and student. How, I don’t know but this led to the Ustadh meeting with a female student in the building, and also meeting another student outside of Madrasah somewhere. There are much worse examples replicated all over the UK. Girls talk, and in madrasah days we would talk about how so and so Mufti or Moulana is doing haraam with so ans so student.
Times are much worse now. In these events attended by the writers and the endorses of this paper, neither are sisters covered, nor is there a curtain. They are sitting uncomfortably close to the men.
We do not need academic discussions and papers to attend to a simple rule of Islam. “Do not come near to zina.”, says the Qur’aan. We are living in such a time, where even those misguided molvis who have fallen into haraam relationships with sisters they had contact with, are promoting this paper. We do not need academic discussions to know what a man feels when he sees a woman. I know men who are extremely loyal to their wives, but I’ve also seen them lose 80% of their brains as Hadhrat has mentioned, in front of a ghair mahram woman.
I also know how women do not talk in a harsh voice to men. They talk alluringly and they alter the position of their limbs when in front of non-mahram males. They might not even like him, but this is the effect of being in a mixed environment. What is even worse is these misguided scholars will have contact with each female student, each one of them is his prey and the victim of his lust.
We are living in times where every prophecy of Nabi sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam regarding Ulama is happening in front of our eyes. Unfortunately people are too naive. On one hand they say there’s so much fitnah, on the other hand they produce a host of reasons to allow mixed gatherings in the name of Islam, even though there’s so much fitnah. Contradiction upon contradiction.
The best thing for a woman is that her father, brother, husband protect her as from these Dajjali scholars. These are the times of fitnah in which we find ourselves.
Please remember me and my family in your du’as. Wassalam”