The Time of Asr

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. When the shadow of objects becomes twice the object’s size plus the length of the shadow at the time of precise midday (See: The Time of Zuhr: then Asr time starts.
  2. The time of Asr remains till sunset.
  3. However, when the colour of the sun changes and the sun becomes pale yellow then it is the Makrooh (reprehensible) time for performing Asr Salaat.
  4. If for some reason the Asr was delayed to that time then it should still be performed even in this Makrooh time.
  5. It should not be made Qadha.
  6. However, don’t again delay it to the Makrooh time.
  7. Besides the Asr of the day, it is not permissible to read any other Salaat, neither Qadha nor Nafl, in this Makrooh time.

(Behshti Zewar)