Rights of the Malaaikah

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  1. To believe in their existence.
  2. To understand that they are sinless.
  3. To say, Alaihis Salaam, with the name of any of them.
  4. It is hurtful to the Malaaikah for a person to come to the Masjid with a bad odour emanating from his mouth due to eating such a food. Similarly, the Malaaikah are hurt when a person passes wind in the Masjid. Therefore, these should be refrained from.
  5. It is incumbent to abstain from things which the Malaaikah are pained and disgusted at, such as:
  • Keeping pictures (of animate objects)
  • Keeping a dog as a pet
  • Remaining in the state of janaabat out of indolence and ruining one’s Namaaz
  • Becoming naked without any Shar’i or natural need, even though one may be alone.

(Huqooqul Islam)