An Old Lady Demanding Justice
Once, Sultan Malik Shah with a group of his men were hunting in the jungle of Isfahan. There lived a poor elderly widow in a nearby village. She owned a cow. With its milk she maintained three children. The Sultan’s men captured the cow and after slaughtering it they held a feast. No one was prepared to listen to the complaint of the aggrieved widow.
She learnt that Sultan Malik Shah would be crossing the bridge with his party. She stood on the banks of the river and as the Sultan neared the bridge, she took up a position on the bridge and exclaimed: “O son of Alp Arsalaan! (He was the father of Sultan Malik Shah.) Mete out justice to me on this bridge or on the Siraat (the bridge over Jahannum on the Day of Qiyaamah). Make your choice.”
The fearless exclamation of the old lady had a profound effect on the Sultan who alighted from his horse and enquired about her problem. After she explained her story, the Sultan was overcome with much grief. He ordered that the old lady be given 70 cows.
He remained standing until the old lady said: “I am delighted with your justice. Allah and His Rasool (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) are pleased with you.” The Sultan then mounted his horse.
(Awake Archives)